
Tomato cravings!

My new craving is tomatoes, the reason is my mom's amazing greenhouse that is packed with nice red (and yellow) tomatoes ( will have to take a picture of it tomorrow, today I only have a picture of the tomatoes...). I really crave them they are soooo good especially the small cherry ones.

Today I done a lot but it still feel like nothing got done...The good news is that maybe I can buy something that I REALLY want on Monday! The people who know me know what I'm talking about and the rest of you will have to wait! I have more pictures in my phone but I can't figure out a good way of putting them on my computer, i only know how to put them om a different computer we have....maybe you will just get all of them tomorrow...

I and Jimbo chased a ladybug yesterday it was very exciting as you can se, I really like the picture of the ladybug it was really hard to get a good picture of it because it wouldn't stay still...

I just talked to my brother Mattias, he and Emma is in Panama on some deserted island here is a picture I got from them (obviously I didn't take this picture Emma or Mattias did but I have permission to upload it here) Anyway they say that they are having a great time, I really can't see why.I much rather stay home taking pictures of ladybugs....


some old pictures...

Since I didn't update my blog for a wile before I have some catching up to do, here are some pictures from when me and Sam went to New York...

I and Sam were there too of course here is a picture of us and then a very famous picture of my onion tower...

A little picture from the summer...


A night with Jimbo

Tonight me and jimbo took a nice walk by the ocean... here is some pictures that I took with my new cell phone, hihi!

A few...

I know I have promised you pictures from the party and here is a few, not so many because I don't want to put pictures on people with out them knowing...so sorry you only get a picture of Emma and one of my parents....


No pictures today....

I'm sorry but I can't give you any pictures today, well I could but I'm not going to. My neck is killing me and I don't think sitting by the computer will help… I just woke up this morning and my neck was a little sore and then it just got worse and worse and now I feel like an old lady....
The party was great, and Sunday I helped Hannah and Calle to move but I had the worst hangover, urg, it was definitely worth it because Saturday was great!! Today I have just been miserable all day I really hope I'm feeling better tomorrow, now I'm going to bed....pictures will come I promise!!!!


Today my dad turns OLD!

Happy Birthday Dad!! Today is my dad's 50th B-day and as i think I have said before we are having a cocktail party for him...This morning someone thought that he should stay home all day and decided to do this to his car:

Now we all wonder who the guilty one is?!
Here is mom and dad preparing....

Hopefully I will give you pictures from the party tomorrow...


I miss all the hugs!!

I really miss my kids, all of my american kids! When I was there i didn'n realize how spoiled i was with kisses and hugs and now I really miss that, all the smiles and energy!



Busy Wednesday!

Today has been a busy day...I got up early for the first time since I got home, took my mom to work so I could have the car and go to IKEA....haha well IKEA kind of reminds me of the US now since I think I went to IKEA more times when I was there then I have in Sweden...The reason I went there was to get a few small storage things for my room because I really can't fit all my stuff and to get some inspiration for how I easier can fit it all. I was very lucky and got Hannah and handsome baby Elias to come with me, it turned out to be a nice morning at IKEA...

After IKEA I went to meet some people at a store where I'm gonna work a little now during fall and hopefully more after that, it feels got to have a job even though for now it will only be part time and it will take a few months before they will need me more then only a few days a week but at least it is something...
Then I went to pick up my mom from work and we went in to the city there is a big festival in Malmö now with lots of music and food from all over the world, we listen to a guy who is going to play at our cocktail party on Saturday when my dad is turning 50. After we had langos (a type of food from Hungary), of course I left my camera at home so I have no pictures for you....SORRY!!
Tomorrow I will try to have some pictures for you!



these are the pictures from "kräftskivan"... :)


Night time!

So the pictures will come tomorrow...from "kräftskivan" it was a very nice, we had a good time! today has been busy, The wedding I was taking pictures of went great and maybe in a few days or weeks i can show you some of the pictures....
Bed time!


Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning....

Good morning everyone! Today I have started my morning with some cleaning, our cleaner is having vacation so I'm making some extra money (well needed!) by cleaning our house! I'm actually very proud of my self because I got up at 9 am and I didn't fall a sleep until around 4am!! My brain is now working in American time zone so it was really hard to fall a sleep and even harder to get up this morning!
Today I'm also gonna do some laundry and I'm gonna meet up with the couple whose wedding pictures I'm taking tomorrow, very exciting and nervous (not the laundry of course but the wedding). Tonight Mattias and Emma are coming over for "kräftskiva" if anyone doesn’t know what this is I will post some pictures tonight or tomorrow and you can see for your self...
Now I need to get back to cleaning!


Bread is done!

So now the bread is done and I didn't burn it! Haven't tried it yet but it looks really good...I have also unpacked most of my stuff but it all really doesn't fit I'm trying to figure out some great way to make my room bigger and I'm also tying to throw as much as I can a way, but still it does not fit!
Soon I'm going over to my cousins for a coffee but first I really need to shower!

Good Morning!

So when I go to bed at night I always think that tomorrow I'm gonna be full with energy and get lots of things done....well when I then wake up in the morning and my eyes don't want to open and all I really want to do is crawl up in front of the TV and sleep there all day it's hard to get lots of things done....
This morning I was really tired and I was about to crawl down to the TV I suddenly got a little mad at my self and decided not to turn on the TV Yey Elin!! Then I decided to start baking a bread that Mom asked if I wanted to do, it's from a mix but still I'm pretty impressed with myself right now it's rising so later today I will show you the finish result! My plan for the day is to unpack....yes I still have a lot of stuff that need to be unpacked or it's more or less unpacked but just spread around my room cause I don't know where to put it all once again space is an issue...after unpacking I might take a shower woho hihi and then maybe I'm gonna take some pictures of Emma with my new reflector just need someone to help me hold it...well hopefully I will find someone and maybe I will show you some pictures tomorrow!
Now I need to go and take care of my bread!


I'm back in action!

I haven’t updated my blog in a long time because I have been in USA and decided to take a little blog-break. Now I'm back in Sweden again and so now I will try to update often.
I got home yesterday morning and all day I just relaxed and unpacked a little. I miss everybody so much and it was really hard to leave them...yesterday I felt pretty bad maybe mostly because I was so tired since I was awake for like 36 hours. The best thing was definitely when my American family called me on Skype, it was like I was still there!
Today after 12 hours of sleep I feel a lot better, this morning I met a girl whose wedding I'm taking pictures of on Saturday. We planed and decided where to take their pictures and it all feels great I’m really excited!
For the rest of the day I’m just gonna relax and unpack maybe take a little nap soon…here is a few pictures from the summer…
