
Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning....

Good morning everyone! Today I have started my morning with some cleaning, our cleaner is having vacation so I'm making some extra money (well needed!) by cleaning our house! I'm actually very proud of my self because I got up at 9 am and I didn't fall a sleep until around 4am!! My brain is now working in American time zone so it was really hard to fall a sleep and even harder to get up this morning!
Today I'm also gonna do some laundry and I'm gonna meet up with the couple whose wedding pictures I'm taking tomorrow, very exciting and nervous (not the laundry of course but the wedding). Tonight Mattias and Emma are coming over for "kräftskiva" if anyone doesn’t know what this is I will post some pictures tonight or tomorrow and you can see for your self...
Now I need to get back to cleaning!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, duktig du är! Nu ska jag fira Dilara, den bortskämda lilla ungen, haha :P Puss

