
Looking back...

Today I have done mostly nothing, it’s been kind of nice though...I did talk to Lissa and Little A. which made me want to post these pictures when I found them in the folder from January 2009. As you can see on of the pictures looks like my header and that is because the header picture was taken at the same time.

The thing about these pictures is that for some reasons they warm my heart.
When there was a pretty sunset outside the house I learned fast that you would have to run up to get the camera and tripod, if you walked or was lazy the sun would be gone at the time you got out.

So the story behind these pictures is really simple, the sunset was gorgeous I had just gotten my 60mm macro lens and I raced through the house to get my stuff. Little A insisted to come with me even if it was freezing outside, she was just a very happy, good girl at that moment and I think I will remember it for ever. I think that one of the reasons might be that I'm very happy with the pictures, but isn't it strange how the most simple moments and memories can make you all warm inside?

Wow I really miss my kids in America, all of them! I just want to hug and kiss them, see their smiles, hear their laughter and feel their joy!


Dusky Dusk


A little bit of fall

I have had a nice, kind of slow day today and tomorrow I'm off to work. Don't know if I have told you guys where I work but maybe I should, this is where I work. So now that we got that said I need to go to bed, tired after the very early morning, here is one more picture but this one is from the yesterday afternoon walk with Jimbo, I really like the light in this one and the colors, what do you think?

Early Morning Godness

An Early Morning

This morning I and Jimbo woke up early to take a nice walk, but the main reason was to try to get some nice early morning shots. I love that moment in the morning, I should really get up and out that early more often… Here is my favorite picture from this morning, maybe I can show you some more later on today.



"Missing America day"

Having a little bit of a ”missing America day”, not fun at all...Why is it like that, one day you are perfectly happy full with confident and the next you are lacking confident and you feel lonely…

I think in some weird way your body and hormones make you feel bad some days, so the next day when you are happy you feel even happier because you know the unpleasantness of the opposite feeling. So maybe instead of fighting bad days we should embrace them, because we know that the good days will come again soon. We just have to trust the rollercoaster of life and go for the ride.

At my state of life everything is scary, for the first time of my life my future is unknown and nothing will happen without me doing it myself, which is a big load to carry. That’s one way to put it and some days it feels like that, then the days comes around when it feels like I for the first time I have complete power of my life I can do what ever I want it is all up to how hard I work. But I do think that my 20ies will be a great part of my life and I can’t wait to see where it takes me.

Well this was a very philosophical post, but sometimes it’s just nice to write and I’m actually feeling better now than I did when I started writing, thank you my wonderful blog!

But if you now read through all of this you deserve some nice pictures, these pictures I took last September at the Outer Banks, NC, and The horses are wild. I really like these pictures and I think that they will mean a lot to me for a very long time…


October 16th

Hey Everybody!
I don't have much to tell you, been working and I'm gonna work a little tomorrow too, but tomorrow night I'm hoping for some party!
Looked thorough my pictures from last year and thought it would be interesting to see what I was doing this date last year. I found these two pictures that I took one morning before getting Big Z on the school bus. It weird thinking about how much has happened since then, considering it's only been a year....


An Autumn Afternoon Walk


The shoot yesterday went great and I’m happy with the pictures. I’m telling you though it takes a lot of patience and secret tricks to get two 6 year olds to stay still long enough to snap some good pictures, Julia and Oliver did great and their wonderful energy was a bit contagious!

Today I had some portraits to take this morning and after I met up with Jossan for a cup of coffee which was nice. Now I’m editing pictures all afternoon and tomorrow it’s time for work! Here is some pictures I took yesterday it’s my dog Jimbo, isn’t he the cutest?! And then it's me of course :)


Sunny day

Today I'm gonna take some pictures of adorable Julia and her friend Oliver for a company named "Garntjänst". It's a little bit of a challenge because the pictures need to have the feeling of spring in them, and since all the leaves are falling of the trees this shoot takes some planning...At least it is a nice and sunny day outside, I will tell you later how it went!


The Time is Now

My new favorite song ”The Time is Now” by Asha Ali, and isn’t that true, there is no better time then now. Today has been a great day for a few reasons…
First of all I just got back from “The Family’s” second floorball game and we WON AGAIN, 4-1!
I have also been editing pictures all day and that always puts me in a good mood.
Today I have also figured out how to use my SB-600 Flash off camera, which means that I can put the flash where ever I want and it will sync with my camera and still fire when it needs to. I couldn’t do this with my D40 without buying a few things to make it work which I didn’t…So now it feels like a whole new field has opened, where there is a lot of yummy deliciousness to learn, wonderful! Lately I have gotten to appreciate the feeling of not knowing and then figure it out, that’s one of the things I love about photography!

A few days ago I got a package in the mail, woho love packages! This one was from a person that I miss so much which makes it even better!

Sam who’s birthday it was just a few weeks ago send me these things, I really like it and it makes me think of Sam. I know that there is something Sam have told me about the skeleton and if I remember right they decorate with them during a holiday that I think is some time around Halloween and All Saints’ Day but I’m not sure think I need to ask Sam again….Don’t you just love the colors, we need some more colors in this very gray and brown Scandinavia!

Thank you very much Sam, I miss you a lot!!

just me and Photoshop

Today I'm gonna spend most of my day working in Photoshop, have a few pictures I need to finish...But last night I figured out a new thing thought I would show you. Here is pictures that I added light coming from the windows, what do you think?





Tonight I believe in karma, I have been picking on Hannah all night because she is so scared of spiders....I'm scared of spiders too but not at all as much as Hannah or maybe lets say I just dislike them...so now when I got home and moved some clothes of my bed the BIGGEST spider crawled across my bed! So I take a pillow and hit it against the spider and then left it there and pushed on it real hard...slowly I picked up the pillow to check if it was dead, of course not.....so I pushed on the pillow more and more, still not dead. I thought it was cats that had 9 lives not spiders. You should have seen the drama in my room…

Now, at last after at least 5 attempts, I can announce: it is now DEAD very dead, but still under the pillow on my bed that I want to sleep in.....I need to move it, which would mean I somehow need to touch it, or at least get close to it….. All I want to do is SLEEP.....



just watched Sweden loose the soccer game against Denmark, too bad I guess we are not going to SA this summer...well well I am having a good night at Hanna's house in Ekeby (middle of no where...) And now we are going to Malmö bowling...see you all later!
btw I have noticed that I have gotten a lot of new readers lately, welcome I hope you all stick around!


Soccer Girl

Yesterday I was looking after a little girl named Julia, she is 6 years old and I have known her since she was 1,5 it is amazing how time flies...She had soccer practice and I took some pictures, don’t you just love her eyes!


Just had to let you know...

THAT WE WON our first floorball game, WOHO 4-2!!!

Monday October 5th

Today it is Sam's birthday, woho HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAMPI! Sam is a very good friend of mine that I met in the US.

We have done so much together during 2 years...we have been to San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, New York, Washington DC haha we lived there but still we have been there haha.
I have so many good memories with Sam and I miss her so much!!
Love you Sampi!!


My Crazy Girl!

Just talked to Mommy and Ava on skype, I miss them so much!!! My crazy girl is as pretty as always and so is my mommy. The rest of the family was not home, I really hope that I can se their pretty faces soon!!!
How can you not love and miss this face!?


"The Family"

Tonight after work I met up with "the family", which is my new floorball team, like the name? We only meet once a week to play other teams like ours. It’s just for fun not real serious, but of course we want to win, BIG TIME! Tonight we only met to talk tactics, we play our first game on Monday.

Tomorrow I need to get up really early to take my grandparents to the bus, because they are going to Stockholm isn’t I a good granddaughter?

