
Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year

I meant to wish you all a Merry Christmas before Christmas actually took place, since that didn’t happened I thought I would wish you a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year now instead. So now I wish you a


Today I got the best card from Sam, Thank you I love it! It is a great card I think the idea is perfect for me. In one (very nice) card she wishes me a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, Happy Birthday and Happy Valentines day. It’s a great idea so once a year I could send all of my friends one card and then not have to do anything for the rest of the year and without feeling terribly guilty when great friends like Fiona and Sam (btw thank you too Fiona) Sends me nice cards and I don’t send them anything….I really wish that I could be as disciplined and kind as them but I’m not.. Nonetheless I miss them all terribly! Maybe one birthday or a few weeks, months or years later you will get something nice from Sweden. But it will probably not happen as often as I would wish…

Now that I have used this post to ease my guilt a little bit, I can show you a pictures I took a few days ago that I really like.




I want to breathe light, to feel the energy fill my lungs and warm me up from the inside out. I want to freeze time, to truly appreciate the wonders of this planet, to embrace the power of every moment and feel the intensity of every minute. I want to open my eyes and see the small miracles around me to catch it in my hand and keep it forever…



So once again I have to say I'm sorry it has been so long since my last post....The thing is that not that much interesting has happened since the last time and then it is hard to inspire my self to write.
Today I was cleaning out in my photo box and found a bunch of old pictures. When I studied Photography in high school we used SLR cameras with film and then we developed and made copies ourselves in a darkroom. I love that and even though I appreciate the wonders of digital cameras I'm happy that I got to learn the fine art of film photography, I think it has helped me to easier understand how to use my camera the right way to get the most out of the frame I'm shooting.
The pictures below I took somewhere around 2004 or 2005 and I have developed and made copies my self
(I got them into my computer with my new scanner, hihi)
I like these pictures I think that they are a lot better then I remembered them to be.
Happy Lucia everyone!
