

I just thought I would show you some recent pictures, enjoy!


Miss You!

Just talked to Sam, my great Mexican friend. I miss her so much it’s crazy! We where really spoiled in The US when we could se each other when ever we wanted, now we are so far away from each other, it sucks! The same goes for all my other great friends all around the world, makes me sad…. I miss all of you!!!!!
Well now I feel all warm in my heart and happy after talking to Sam. Tomorrow has a lot to offer so now I need to go to bed!


The winners!

Just got back from our last floorball game, or we have a tournament to play as well but this was our last “real” game! Guess what!? WE WON which means that we won the whole thing woho, we rock!!

(I have one thing to correct from my last post, the picture of my grandma is taken by Emma.)

Good night!



So now it has been a very long time since I updated my blog, it has really been neglected and I feel kind of sorry for it….But in one day I suddenly got really busy and it feels like I’m working 24/7 but I shouldn’t complain…I do like it but unfortunately there is a few things that suffers, the blog is one and my social life is another, the couch miss my bottom and my room is a mess. The upside of lots of work is that hopefully my bank account doesn’t suffer as much, I make more money and I have no time to spend it, super!

Yesterday we went to my grandparent’s house for “gåsmiddag” it was really good! Now you all who don’t speak Swedish wonders what that is, right? Well, Google it!
Haha, no I will tell you… it is a tradition we have here mostly in the southern part of Sweden I think, we eat goose and lots of other stuff….now if you want to know more about is you will have to Google it because that’s all I know. I took lots of pictures and I prepared some of them to put on the blog but then I accidently deleted all but this one so this is all you get…..
Take care!!

it is my grandma and my cousins cute necklace
