

Nice with a break!

Had one of my big exams today and I think I passed but please cross your fingers for me until I'm sure! Tomorrow it's time to study for the exam on Thursday but I'm taking the night off!

I'm so happy I have Photoshop to retreat to after a hard time!

In this world

Big day...

...wish me luck!!



Tonight :)

Love you girls!


My apologize for bad blogging lately, I know I don't have the most exiting posts at the moment but to be honest with you that is a direct reflection of my life right now...The question is not IF I'm studying it's rather WHAT and WHERE I'm studying ...

A part of me like it though, I'm facing the exams next week with both horror an excitement but it will definitely be a huge relief when they are over!

It had been snowing here today, strange for October...this pic is taken exactly one year ago and it is one of my favorites



I'm not alone!

Meet my new roomie, "Rufus Ruffsig" a.k.a Uffe!


I can see the light ;)

I can't wait for these exams to be over...soon I can see the light at the end ;)


My friend!

I'm Booooored...

....trying to study.

For some reason my camera just fell in to my hand, anyway it is all about the details!


Miami Beach

What is it about old people and pictures?!


Relaxation in a life of a student ...

In the middle of all the studying ,which at the moment takes up most of my time and brain activity, I really don't know how much more knowledge my brain can take I hope it doesn't EXPLODE!!

                                                         "back to the point"

In the middle of all the studying I'm trying to pick out what pictures to decorate my walls with, very important and hard decision.

I'm thinking that I will probably go with B/W pics just to tone down the "this room is a daycare center"  look that is currently going on in my apartment. I love colors and I'm really starting to like my place but still...

So B/W it is, I'm not sure if I should go with the urban style or the beach style!?

I will keep you posted and if you have a good point to make, please let me know!






Shit happens..

...when an elk upsets Mama Birdie.


Sunday night

Had a really good shoot with “garntjänst” today, result will come later, as soon as I get home to my own baby where I have my Photoshop, miss you! I have also played some golf, or at least tried to, think I need some practice… That "sport" can really make you mad, especially when you are in Skåne where you never can escape the wind and rain…

I know I promised you some more old pics and maybe I will, here is one at least from 2007, the 1988 generation of Gudmundsväg, where did you all go?!
Good night!


Old pictures!

I'm at my parent’s hose at the old computer, thought it would be fun to show you some old pics…today it will be Jimbo pics ( I know, maybe not what you all want to see but I'm walking down "memory lane" and Jimbo is a big part of it!)

Jimbo 8 weeks old...

Doesn't it look comfortable...what a great way of sleeping!
