
"Falukorv" and Music from the 90's

I think the title sums up mine and Maggie's night!

For you Americans who don't know what "falukorv" is...Google it :)


Burning Building

I really hope that it's not but doesn't it look like there is a fire going on in this building...I took it tonight during a walk with Emelie, loved how the sunset reflected in the windows... however after starring at it for a while on my screen I just think that it's scary. I have manage to miss things while shooting before but I doubt that I would miss a burning building...

A very good example on my lack of attention can clearly be seen on the picture below...Shooting this picture I manage to MISS the spider on the flower, I mean it's not really a small spider in comparison  to the flower!( At my defense it was very early in the morning and the drops on the flower are very beautiful and that was clearly distracting me...)


It's raining men...

...I wish, it would have been so much better then all this water!

Computer trouble...

...I think that computers are a big source of STRESSS, I know we (at least I) could not live without them (ok, sure we could live, but what kind of life would that be...) but when they don't work the way you want to..GAHHH!
Backing up my files has become somewhat of an obsession for me and right now my external hard drive is giving me trouble... which had led to a non working morning, I haven't gotten anything done and I have so much to do....STRESSSSS!

I'm soon off to a nice afternoon with "Kotler" and "Principles of Marketing"

Not a post without a pic, from this summer beautiful Mini H:

don't you just love the absent of those front teeth!



Here is just a quick preview from the shoot this past Sunday, thank you Monika and Nickanoo!

I will tell you more about Nickanoos products another day...



So once again a little neglect..but I think you will survive considering the very bad quality of my last post I don't know what happened to my otherwise very serious mind (even though it was a very BIG cake problem...)

I have been home at my parents this past weekend, or I can't say I spend a lot of time there but I at least slept in my old room, on a mattress on the floor but still, I starred up at the same ceiling...

The reason for my trip back home was I.E Foto had a shoot on Sunday with "Nikanoo" and the creator of Nikanoo Monika. The shoot went great with some energetic kids and very nice products, will show you some of the result later on...

here are some pics from last Friday night when we celebrated Annikas 22nd B-day ( my point and shoot camera is broken, it works but the LCD screen has humm...died so it feels like the good old days when you couldn't see the pic right away, therefore the result may vary....)

The "good" pictures:

The "not so good" pictures



Tonight I had dinner at Em's place, we also had a delicious dessert!

(I accidently wrote n Swedish on the pics but the whole point is that the cake was A BIT to frozen and hard to eat, but very tasty!)
Picture credit to Emelie!


Pancakes, friends and school...

If I can say it myself I must say that my title is very creative and kind of speaks for itself...haha!

This been my day, I think school is really starting for real now and a lot more hours will have to be spend on studying in the future...I.E Foto also have a few things going on now, so busy, busy, busy but that's how I like it!


Puppy Luuv!

Thought bunker and bogey deserved a moment in the spotlight, i mean how cute can puppies be!?

I really think I should!

I have so many pics on my hard drive that aren't finished and that I haven't shown you. I just can't get myself to finish unless it's a "job" and I have to deliver the pics to a paying costumer. It's bad, so I'm gonna try to finish at least a few, I still have half of the pictures from my US visit this summer to go through....Anyway, July me and Emma were out playing in Lund and I have shown you a few pics and here are some more:


The new me :)

Monday Morning

Today I have:

* completely embarrassed myself in front of the delivery guy, I don't even want to talk about it!

*Played around in Photoshop (result at the bottom)

*broken and fixed my coffee maker

*Gotten the literature for one of my classes and manage NOT to drop it on my feet ( considering the book is as heavy as a brick this is something I will try to avoid in the future as well!)

* I think I had breakfast

The day is still young!

Here is another pic of gorgeous Anna, don't know if I like it B/W or color...


Fina Flickan!

Anna came and made me dinner, again, I'm sooo lucky!!


.....I have gotten some complaints from my non Swedish speaking readers... so I will try to write in English again, however I can't guarantee that every post will be in English so I do think y'all just should take some classes and learn the very wide spoken language Swedish!

Had a great time last night exploring the streets of  Halmstad by night and now I'm waiting for Emma and Mattias to come and check out my crib!
I haven't seen them for quite some time now, since they went to the US and then I moved so we have some catching up to do!



....var det i onsdags med IMP-tema (dvs. man skulle klä ut sig med nått som har med I,M eller P att göra) såhär såg det ut då:



Anna gästbloggar! Elin har lekt med mig. Jag fick agera modell för första gången i mitt liv, en spännande och mycket rolig ny erfarenhet. Enjoy! Nu ska vi iväg och laga middag med de andra brudarna i klassen!
