
I'm back in action!

I haven’t updated my blog in a long time because I have been in USA and decided to take a little blog-break. Now I'm back in Sweden again and so now I will try to update often.
I got home yesterday morning and all day I just relaxed and unpacked a little. I miss everybody so much and it was really hard to leave them...yesterday I felt pretty bad maybe mostly because I was so tired since I was awake for like 36 hours. The best thing was definitely when my American family called me on Skype, it was like I was still there!
Today after 12 hours of sleep I feel a lot better, this morning I met a girl whose wedding I'm taking pictures of on Saturday. We planed and decided where to take their pictures and it all feels great I’m really excited!
For the rest of the day I’m just gonna relax and unpack maybe take a little nap soon…here is a few pictures from the summer…

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to new blog posts :D Good luck with all the wedding pics!! Du är bästa fotografen :D Puss

