
Are you here to stay?

I think that the weather gods have a hard time making up their minds! Monday the kids where home from school because it was snowing and we where making snow angels and having snowball fights. Today we had to pull out our summer clothes because spring decided to come. We have been playing at a playground close to us all afternoon and all the kids’ friends where there too so it was a hit! The question is, is the spring here to stay?
It has been a very busy day, all morning I was washing clothes. in between washes I had to be a counselor for the three girls (Mini H. had a friend over) and their disagreements on who was going to play with what "pet shop". After Mini H. and her friend got on the bus I and Little A. went to the gym. I did all right not super but it was good... After the gym we did some errands and then we went home, Big Z. and Mini. Got home from school and it has been nonstop since...
Now kids’ clothes need to be put away and then I need to get ready! I'm going to Alexandria to visit my wonderful friend Jamie and we are going to a bar close to her. Since I'm now 21 and legal in this country I can actually enjoy a night out!
I'm already late so I should really get going!

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