
Happy Birthday Little A.!!!

Today was Little A’s 4th birthday, the first thing she told me this morning was:
“Look Elin how tall I am, just because I’m four now.”
I have been really nice to her today and she has done a lot of thing she normally doesn’t, for example when she asked me for a snack 30 min after breakfast and I normally say NO, today I said YES…When she wanted to watch TV in the middle of the day and I normally say NO, today I said YES! So her day has been really special hehe…
Yesterday I asked her what she wanted for breakfast for her birthday, it could be what ever she wanted, and this was her answer:
“I want a big, big, big bowl of cereal”
Haha in this house we get exited over the small things!
Today me and Little A also went to get her surprise, the same thing I did for Mini H on her birthday, we went to Tyson’s corner and made a “build a bear”…I hope that it can be a good memory from me, I told them that when ever they miss me they can hug their bear and it will feel all better, Little A chose a rabbit and named her Peach, real cute actually. Then she got lunch at Mc Donald’s, so she was very happy! Tonight some of her friends and their families came over for cake and then we all fell fast a sleep…or the rest of them did at least, I’m still up even though I wish that I could fall “fast asleep”….Packed one bag tonight…it feels like I have so much to do and time is moving far to fast!!
Now I need to sleep…natti natti!


  1. Så skoj med födelsedag! Vilken söt kanin hon valde ut, perfekt present Elin =)
    Snart ses vi! Ha det fint! Kram/Emma

