
Want to come with me?

Monday again, quite nice actually...not that I don't enjoy the weekend but it has been a nice day with the kids. Me and Mags had a GREAT time in NYC, I'm not going to bore you with all the things that we saw or did, I'm just going to leave it with that it was a lot of fun!
Wile we where gone I had gotten a mail from my mom saying that they where planning to come here in June, what a surprise! A wile ago I tried to convince them to come in the summer but it sounded like they decided not to, but "yey" they are coming. I'm not just happy that they will come because I miss them, I will see them before anyway, it’s more because I really want them to meet my family here. This family means so much to me and I want my parents to know who they are, so I'm very happy that they decided to come! When I told my kids that my mom and dad where coming the first thing they asked was: "is Jimbo coming?" haha I guess that I've brain washed them a little. Told them that he would love to come but that he couldn't come on the air plane, Little A. thought that since he is so big he could walk here...when I told here that the problem might be that there is a big ocean in between she thought he could jump, so cute!

I really haven't done much today, still tired from the weekend and I got home late last night. Me and Little A. fell asleep in the couch for a little bit before lunch and otherwise all I've done is unpack...and played with horses a game that Little A. likes, a mommy horse, a daddy horse, baby horse and a sister horse. The funny thing is that she plays the exact same game with cars hihi!
I'm exited to go to Vegas on Saturday and I can't believe that it is so soon!! Don't really feel like I'm on top of things since the only thing we really booked so far is the flight...wopsi! It will work out I'm sure but all the small problems are bothering me a little, I'm just happy that I have the best of friends to travel with and I know that we will have a good time no matter what, or what do you say Sam and Jamie?
Well now I need to sleep, God Natt!


  1. åh gu va fusk! jag önskar att jag kunde resa med er till vegas! jag saknar er så!!!!

    kram emelie

  2. Najsa bilder!! Specieltt den på mig är ju helt sjukt snygg :P Puss

  3. Åh underbart i NY. Supersnygg bild den där med taxin! Och snart åker du ut på äventyr igen, skoj skoj.
    Himla roligt att eva och lennart kommer och hälsar på dig så de också får se hur du har det. Är allt lite avvis på dem hihi.
    Hoppas nu jag kan posta kommentaren. Är förresten alldeles för trött för att skriva allt på engelska som jag gjorde förra gången, får bli en annan gång. Ha det super Elin!!
    Puss å Kram å God natt

