
Big brother!

Today I have spend all day with my new friend, who by the way is very sexy and handsome, and goes by the name Nikon D90...I'm might have to figure out a better name, anyway I LOVE him. So now little sister D40x get to rest for a wile I hope it doesn't hurt her feelings I still love her just not as much as big brother...It bothered my mom that i called them that and I guess that the feminine part of me should scream and convince my brain to call big brother D90 for big sister instead and little d40x for little brother...but I guess I'm just to brain washed by society to change my thoughts, because I have tried and tried but D90 is and will be for a wile, big brother....sorry women of the world I should really try harder to change our way of looking at who is big and who is small but now i fall under pressure...

So today I and big brother went for a little bike ride to the bank and to the library, it was very nice and I really can't complain on my company, he fits perfect in my hand and follows every command, what more can I expect from him! The weather has been great all day and it had been nice to be able to where shorts again I really miss Virginia and the warm weather, maybe not those hot really sticky days but the nice days by the pool.
Here is some pictures from our very pleasant bike ride:

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