
Fancy Pippi longstocking!

Back home, and it is actully nice, so happy to see the kids and the fam again! Not that I don’t miss CA cause I really do, a lot! If there would be one place in the world where I would like to live it would probably be somewhere in California, maybe San Diego. So nice there even if we only where there for 1 day. Well I’m gonna write about the rest of the trip another day when I’m done fixing my pictures so we can have that picture marathon I promised earlier, think it will be later this week.
Today me and the girls went to Sport bounce, it’s a place where they have a lot of moon bounces and stuff, the kids love it! I have also been to Little. A’s school and talked about Sweden, they are having a international week and her teacher asked if I could tell them about Sweden. How do you tell 3-4 year olds about your country??? Not to easy but I think it went OK, Little. A put on the Pippi Longstocking costume that she had for Halloween and she told her class about Pippi, she was so proud of her self! The she told them how to say "Thank you very much" in Swedish, she know so much a bout Sweden and I was a very proud Au Pair! Just didn’t know that I would be so nervous talking in front of 3 year olds!
Yesterday Little. A put on my jewelry so I told her that she looked fancy just like a princess, but she said “No, I look fancy like Pippi Longstocking” haha she is so cute think that that is the first time Pippi been called fancy.
Now I have to go, I will post some pictures later on today!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, did she "but" on the pippi lockstocking costume? :P

