
Looking back...

Today I have done mostly nothing, it’s been kind of nice though...I did talk to Lissa and Little A. which made me want to post these pictures when I found them in the folder from January 2009. As you can see on of the pictures looks like my header and that is because the header picture was taken at the same time.

The thing about these pictures is that for some reasons they warm my heart.
When there was a pretty sunset outside the house I learned fast that you would have to run up to get the camera and tripod, if you walked or was lazy the sun would be gone at the time you got out.

So the story behind these pictures is really simple, the sunset was gorgeous I had just gotten my 60mm macro lens and I raced through the house to get my stuff. Little A insisted to come with me even if it was freezing outside, she was just a very happy, good girl at that moment and I think I will remember it for ever. I think that one of the reasons might be that I'm very happy with the pictures, but isn't it strange how the most simple moments and memories can make you all warm inside?

Wow I really miss my kids in America, all of them! I just want to hug and kiss them, see their smiles, hear their laughter and feel their joy!

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